The Administrative Councils and the entities that are organized to satisfy local needs, act within the limits of their respective competencies and have the obligation to strictly observe the Constitution of the Republic, the laws, decree-laws, decrees, agreements of the National Assembly of Popular Power, the Council of State, the Council of Ministers and its Executive Committee, the dispositions dictated by the heads of the Organisms of the Central State Administration in matters of their competence that require regulation, and the agreements of the Assemblies of People's Power to which they are subordinated.

The provincial administrations, in their activity, have as their premise the constitutional concept that the province is the local society, with legal personality for all legal purposes, organized politically by law, as an intermediate link between the central and municipal governments, in a superficial extension equivalent to that of the group of municipalities included in its territorial demarcation, It has the primary obligation to promote the economic and social development of its territory, for which it coordinates and controls the execution of the policies, programs and plans approved by the superior organs of the State, with the support of its municipalities, combining them with their interests.

In order to be a member of the Administration Council, the status of delegate of the corresponding Provincial Assembly of Popular Power is not required, with the exception of the President and the Vice President for the Administrative Council, due to the positions they hold in both organizations.

Integration of the Provincial Administration Council:

Ernesto Barreto Castillo

President of the APP


Rubén Ramos Moreno

Vice-president of the Administrative Council

Osvaldo Quiñones González

CAP Secretary

Mariano Cruz Ledesma

Vice President of CAP

Gilberto Rodríguez Ortega

Vice-president of CAP

Jesús Valdés Miranda

CAP Vice-president

Miguel Herrera Contreras

Vice-president of CAP

Jorge Luis Salas Rosette

CAP Vice President

Omar Machin Lemus

Vice President of CAP

Evelio Herrera Padrón

Vice-President of CAP

Niurka Rodríguez Hernández

Vice-President of CAP

Manuel Collera Medina

Director of Commerce

Yoel Hernández Rodríguez

Director of Transportation Group

Ana Álvarez Echevarría

Director of Finance and Pricing

Miosotis Alonso Prieto

Director of Labour and Social Security

Calex Edilio González Chill

    Director of Economics and Planning

Joel Linares Moreno

Director of Physical Planning

Aldo R. Alonso Muñoz

Director of Justice

Oscar Yumar Alfonso

Director of Housing

Niurka Llambia Cala

Director of Culture

Odalys Borges Ramos

ONAT Director

Amada Iglesias Padilla

Director of Statistics

Víctor Fidel Hernández Pérez

Delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture

Yuri Triana Velázquez

Delegate of CITMA

Erick Benítez González

Delegate of Hydraulic Resources


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