Procedures and Services

Useful information and access to services

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Resolution No. 54/14 of the Physical Planning Institute

When, due to the existence of urban and territorial regulations that prevent it, the owners of wasteland plots could not obtain authorization to use them in the construction of their own home, the DMPF may be interested in exchanging them for another property of the state,with the same or similar characteristics, if it exists. It must accompany by the title that accredits the land property, the Property Certification and Property Registry Gravamen.

The owner may also offer the land he owns for sale to the State. The application is submitted to the Physical Planning Officer (OGTV).

Term: 35 working days, 15 for the DMPF and 20 for the DPPF.


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Legal Provisions Resolutions 54 and 55/14 of the Physical Planning Institute

Persons interested in building housing by their own efforts on state land must submit their application and substantiation, also listing the applicant's first and last names, identity card, home address, place of location, composition of the family nucleus, as well as a sworn statement that they do not own another home, nor is it the surface of a plot of land or barren plot to build a home by their own efforts.

The assignment of state plots and barren plots for the construction of houses by own effort will be made to natural persons, who are previously authorized by the Council of Municipal Administration (CAM) concerned, taking into account the grounds and priorities for such granting and is legalized before the Municipal Physical Planning Office (DMPF).

Once the Agreement of the CAM is received, the payment for land is made in the bank branch of the place where it is located.

Term: 60 days for the payment of the plot in the bank branch.

Term: 30 working days from the presentation of the bank slick that credits the payment of the plot to obtain the Resolution that recognizes the Perpetual Right of Surface.

The following are established as causes and priorities for the granting of plots and state waste plots:

  1. To have been affected by disasters.
  2. Needed to eradicate precarious conditions.
  3. Social and sheltered cases.                                                                                          
  4. Located in risk zones, which include seismic hazards, natural disasters and others.
  5. For economic-social interest: it is applied in compliance with the country's economic and social policies, in order to establish a workforce and guarantee the economic development of the territory in accordance with approved territorial and urban planning.
  6. Also to solve housing deficits, problems of overcrowding and coexistence, and others related to the technical-constructive state of housing.

The juridical regime of the plots and state wastelands that are assigned is in concept of Perpetual Right of Surface, and it will be able to be granted to several natural persons to construct their houses in the same building and to a natural person to construct a single-family house.

The plots to be delivered will have a dimension between 80 and 150 m².

Natural persons submit their application to the Physical Planning Officer (OGTV). The file will contain the application and its grounds, the applicant's name and surname, identity card, home address, place of location, composition of the family nucleus and a sworn statement that he or she does not own another dwelling nor is it the surface of a plot of land or a barren plot of land to build a dwelling on his or her own initiative.

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Legal Provisions Resolution No. 55/14 of the Physical Planning Institute.

It is any portion of land where there is no building or, existing, is of little significance, traced as such in a human settlement. The land annexed to another building that integrates a physical real estate unit and as such is registered in the Land Registry is not considered barren land.

Transfer between private individuals

The owners of derelict plots that wish to cede these to individuals can do so, by donation or purchase-sale, in favor of people who need them to build their homes, provided that there are no urban and territorial regulations that prevent it and prior approval by the Provincial Directorate of Physical Planning (DPPF), once the case has been processed by the DMPF, who submits it to the DMPF for resolution.

Requests are submitted in writing to the Physical Planning Officer (OGTV) and must reflect the generals of the parties, the address where they are located and the act they intend to perform.

In the case of donation, the legal price is the one that appears in the title of the property. If it does not appear in this, it will be determined ex officio by the Municipal Physical Planning Office. In addition, it must be attached to the written application for the title of the property and the corresponding stamp.

Term: 35 working days, 15 for the DMPF and 20 for the DPPF. Stamp of $5.00.

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The services provided to the population are divided into two groups: Projects and Procedures.


Why do I need it?

Every work needs a technical documentation (project) carried out by qualified personnel to obtain the desired results. This documentation is the reflection of your needs taken to execution plans by a professional, who, in addition, contributes his knowledge so that your project is unique and at the same time is integrated adequately to the environment that surrounds it.

The project is essential to obtain the construction license which in turn is necessary for the legalization of all new works or modifications to buildings.

Application for new construction projects

Documents to be submitted:
• Ownership of land (Perpetual Right of Surface or Assignment of Roof as appropriate).
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.

Price list:

Low: 180.00

Average: 240.00

High: 300.00

Application for project for extension, remodeling, rehabilitation and reconstruction of housing

Documents to be submitted:
• Ownership of the housing (copy).
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.

Price list:

Low: 170.00

Average: 240.00

High: 315.00

Project application for second and third level extension

Documents to be submitted:

• Ownership of the housing (copy).
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.
• Structural Technical Opinion.

Price list:

Low: 170.00

Average: 240.00

High: 315.00

Project application for division and unification of dwellings

Documents to be submitted:

• Ownership of the dwelling. (copy)
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering.
• Structural Technical Opinion.

Tarifa de precios:

Baja: 170.00

Media: 240.00

Alta: 315.00

Price list:

Low: 170.00

Average: 240.00

High: 315.00

Note: in both cases the Structural Opinion to be presented will be requested from the Community Architect prior to the project application, since the feasibility of the project depends on the project.This report is an independent service with a value of $110.00.


Request for technical documentation for the update of ownership of housing (the applicant has title to the property, but this is not updated)

Documents to be submitted:

• Ownership of the dwelling (copy).

Price list:

Low: 130.00

Average: 170.00

High: 210.00

Request for technical documentation for the legalisation of the dwelling (the applicant does not have a property title).

In this case are the houses by New Work and the Expiration, the New Work is a house built from a construction license for which it has no Title while the Expiration are houses built before 1985 that do not have property.

New Construction

Documents to be submitted:
• Construction License (copy).
• Habitable (copy).
• Land Resolution.

Price list:

Low: 130.00

Average: 170.00

High: 210.00


Price list:

Low: 130.00

Average: 170.00

High: 210.00

Request for an opinion on the division of housing.

Documents to be submitted:
• Ownership of the dwelling (copy).

For the division of houses is necessary a legal opinion and appraisals (one for each house resulting from the division) so the total amount of the service will depend on the sum of the values so you can not give a fixed value because there can be several combinations.

Legal opinion. $70.00

Appraisal. (Minimum two)

Price list:

Low: 30.00

Average: 50.00

High: 70.00

Request for an opinion on the unification of dwellings

Documents to be submitted:

• Ownership of dwellings (copy).
Fee: $140.00

Request for a structural opinion for roof assignment

Documents to be submitted:

• Ownership of dwellings (copy).
Fee: $140.00

Request for technical documentation service by legal entities

Documents to be submitted:
• Application or Technical Task of the actions to be carried out.
• Certificate of Land Use, Regulations and Numbering issued by the Municipal Physical Planning Directorate.
• Micro-location study of the Municipal Physical Planning Directorate as appropriate.
• Legal Documentation of the Entity or Certification.
• Contract.

Explanatory note:

1.- In the case of Rehabilitations, remodeling and Divisions the complexity depends on:

            Low: Construction or demolition of walls up to 6 ml, extensions up to 10 m².

            Medium: Construction or demolition of walls up to 12 ml, extensions up to 15 m².

            High: Construction or demolition of walls more than 12 ml, enlargements more than 15 m².

2.- In all other cases, the complexity and tariffs must be corresponding:

           Low: Up to 60 m²

           Average: Between 60 and 80 m²

           High: more than 80 m²                 

3.- In the case that a feasibility study is not carried out, NO charge is made.  

Contact details of the  Architects of the Community:

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